Monday, 28 November 2011

Journal 28/11/11

Today we decided to choose the clips that we are going to use for our music video, we are also reconsider of refilm some of the parts as we didn't use a tripod while we was film the fireworks scenes.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

digipak design

Here is a drawn design of my digipak for a 6 panel design
Most of the drawn image will most be from the music video and the other photo will be paper origami that i will be making, however this is still in the early stages of production and would mean that the design could change as it progress.

Friday, 25 November 2011

3 Weeks Plans

Friday 25th November
Improve and update the blog

Which includes

Improving the Journals, Research and Planning post.

1.55pm= Finish the Digipack Design

Saturday 26th to Sunday 27th November

-Upload the digipack design to the blog.

-Take Pictures to use for the Digipack.

Monday 28th

-Tester shots of the things we want to film such as the parachute men.
Consultation with Molly about the things that we want her to do
Summery: Planning of props and costumes.

-Ask friend for the milk bottles.
Wednesday 30th November

-Filming the close up shots of Molly. We will be using my house to do this as we are unable to use the Gallery at this time, we are doing the close up shots as this will not give away the fact that we are not in the Gallery and means that we have at least filmed a good part of the video.
Friday 2nd December 2011.

-Edit everything that we have filmed, Plan our next step for filming, booking the Gallery for after the Alternative Prize has been taken down.
3rd-4th December (Weekend)

-We will once again be filming some more, possibly the milk bottle scene as this can be done outside school with a plain background, maybe even the bouncy ball scene when they are coming down the stairs.
Monday 5th December 2011

-Going to the Gallery and asking Cassie if we are able to use the Gallery for filming as the Alternative prize should be taken down soon.
Also planning for costumes and props to bring in on the day of filming. Consulting Molly again on what she needs to do for the day of filming.
Wednesday 7th December 2011

-Looking over all the footage that we have filmed so far and editing it all so that we know what we have left to film and what is a priority on our to do list.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


FeedBack Sheets 1

FeedBack sheets 2

FeedBack sheets 3

FeedBack sheets 4

FeedBack sheets 5

This is all the feedback that we have received from the class after our pitch, however we have received positive feedback, as all the feedback comment on the creativity of the music video and liked the idea of the uses of the fireworks and confetti, the star rating that we have received after the pitch was 60% of the class rated three stars and only 40% rating 2 stars.

We have also received things that need developing, such as the intertextual references that we are using is not relevant to your music video and the use of the milk bottles are unclear in the music video.
Target audiences was also commented that the age should be lower to match our audiences and that the demographic should be a grade D to B.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Today we continued our separate digipack for our artist, most of the image for my digipack will be from our music video and some would be origami images that I would be making.


Here is that Animatic for our music video animatic

I was given the responsibility of creating the Animatic using our Storyboard that Charlotte and Libby have created.
The Animatic paces changes throughout the song, this is to allow the audiences to understand the pace of the clips that we are going to uses, a example of this is when the parachute men are falling and the images changes quick.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Animatic Production

The first stage of creating the animatic was to cut the images individually

The images is then exported to the final cut program to be edited with the music and match to the pace of the music.
The only problem that I have encountered while editing the Animatic was that their wasn't enough images for certain shot of the music video, this would mean that some of the images used in the animatic have to be extended.

The animatic is finally converted to a quicktime after another member of the group agreed with the animatic and uploaded on to Youtube.

Monday, 7 November 2011


On Saturday, Charlotte and Libby filmed the local firework display in Danson Park with our lead singer Molly dancing in the fun fair, which the firework happening. On Monday I was able to transfer the footage of the firework that was recorded on Saturday night to Final Cut Pro.
So far the footage have not yet been edited.

Friday, 4 November 2011


Charlotte, Libby and I went to a local party store and brought the first confetti cannon, ready to be used when we decided to start filming. The price of the cannon was £5.99 and a large cannon would cost us £9.99
The cost of the music video is currently £9.99.