Genre Characteristic:
- The genre characteristic in 99 problems show a urban location ( Brooklyn) as a run down city, this would be unusual in hip hop music video, as most hip hop music video would show wealth in their music videos.
- Gang culture is also shown in Jay Z's music video, as their are images of violence and crime activity which is shown in most hip hop music videos.
- The images of bling is minimal and their are cheap cars, which are unusual in hip hop music videos.
- stereotypical race is represented- white guy in a suit, policeman are white and black people are jailbirds.
- Song is about being a gangsta, lifestyle and video images illustrate this.
- Synchronous relationship throughout the song, image reflex the lyrics sometimes generally and sometimes more specifically, literally e.g God = the image of crucifix and Bitch = image of women
- story about getting pulled over by police is literally illustrated through the visual- very narrative style
- from the hood- Jay Z pulls hood down
- Camera movements are jerky and constant which matches the rise and fall of the beat.
- Lot of cuts and many different images make it hard to see everything on first viewing.
- Lots of low angle & close up shots of Jay Z - make him appear powerful desirable image to promote within the hip hop industry.
- Fewer shots of him than you might expect seems like he's being modest or that he's the top dog on the street.
- looking at police in the wing mirror
- various shots of women which are very sexualize looking through bars into the person
- looking through fingers a lot of time
- slow-mo = action films
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